Sale and purchase transactions

With our extensive experience, legal expertise and cooperation with a team of established notaries, we offer safe and reliable services both in terms of legal aspects and practical organization. If you have already made the decision to buy or sell a piece of real estate and you want a safe, secure, and efficient transaction – our full-range services are exactly what you need.

We offer consulting and legal services for your direct transactions at an affordable price. We will supply guarantee a safe and secure preliminary agreement, collect all the required official documents and set up a document signing session with a trusted notary. If needed, we can also recommend a credit broker.

Preparing documentation for real estate investment projects

Our company has always strongly focused on plots designated for residential and retail development. Our services include gathering complete documentation for real estate investments both for private and commercial clients.

Working for and on behalf of our clients, we cooperate with local government and state administration to obtain all documents and permits required for real estate investments, including::

  • Planning permits
  • Building permits
  • Plot subdivision and
  • integration permits
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